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Roles Of Student Council

The Student Council has many roles which support the student body while maintaining certain responsibilities.

SC Roles: About

These roles include...

SC Co-Presidents

The SC’s co - presidents are two students who have been elected by the school’s student body. Their role is to organize and lead the meeting with the members, and find resolutions for the problems the student body might be facing. All communication between the administration and the students is done through the SC presidents, as they present the issues and ideas to the administration. The primary role is to achieve the majority of the students’ wants and needs, as they represent the students as a whole.

Current Co-Presidents: Kristina Adjieva and Kiara Kacarski

Grade Representatives

Also chosen by the students, the grade representatives provide input in the SC decision making, specifically for their grade level. The two students elected have the task to communicate with their peers, from the same grade level, and address the topics during the meeting, where solutions are discussed. They should always be in great relationships with the students, so their fellows could feel comfortable sharing their age groups problems. These problems do not necessarily have to be academic issues, they could also be more personal.

Current Grade Representatives: Teodora Risteska Daskalovski and Bjanka Mladenovikj (9), Anja Jovanovikj and Aleksandar Atanasovski (10), Sare Ademoska and Teona Adjieva (11), Luna Stefanoska and Ines Popovic (12).


The SC also consists of a treasurer, who is responsible for all finances regarding the SC. They are in charge of all finances and expenses, they calculate which funds should go where. Their primary role is to look over the money, even during the SC fundraisers, as they are responsible for it. They also decide the prices of the products sold.

Current Treasurer: Arta Kurti


The secretary of the SC is responsible for gathering the information discussed during the SC meetings. They keep track of all issues and solutions provided by the members, as well as what new ideas the SC has. This is all kept in a file of reports. They also take attendance, since we want all members to be accountable for their actions. They are the person who informs the members of the attendance rules.

Current Secretary: Luka Pavikjevikj

Social Media Team

A group of four students create content on Social Media; eg. Facebook and Instagram. Their job is to update the accounts with the current news and addisons in the Student Council. They are also obliged to create content for the followers to interact with the SC, as well as gather information about what else could the SC do to improve the experience for the student body.

Current Members: Elena Zhakov, Vedrana Serafimovska Miloshevska, Jovana Krstevska, Eva Nedelkovska.

Website Team

The SC’s website team has created a website, where all information about the SC is uploaded. They inform on weekly news, and resolutions for problems. They also have part of updating the website with information about Student Led CLubs, as well as Student Projects, since the SC supports all students from the school.

Current Members: Galena Kuzmanovska, Marija Krsteska.

SC Roles: Activities

The Election Process

This system of SC was implemented 2 years ago...

The electoral model for this years SC was direct - all students voted for the running candidates via an online form. Those who wished to run as a candidate for a specific position indicated their interested on a Google Form. Once they filled out the form, they were registered and their names appeared on the ballot. People could run solo for Secretary or Treasurer but had to have a running mate for Co-Presidents or Grade Representatives. The candidates then had time to make promotional posters, and campaign in order to gain votes.

SC Roles: Activities
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